New Jersey Strip Club Manager Says Melissa Gorga Was A Stripper For Less Than A Year

Ai ya ya. The drama definitely never ends for the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Just when you thought the whole Porsche Fashion Show drama and stripper-gate was over, it has now been reopened all thanks to Angelo Vrohidis, who just happens to have been the General Manager for the Lookers strip club in New Jersey for over 13 years.

In what happens to be his first interview since the drama exploded in September, Angelo, former boss of Melissa Gorga, shockingly reveals she was indeed a stripper at his strip club and not a bartender as she has stated in the past. W.O.W.Z.E.R.S.

In the bombshell interview with the blog, Angelo talks Melissa’s alleged stripping past and admits he was at the Porsche Fashion Show, but denies Teresa Giudice had anything to do with his appearance there. Our sources have, however, insisted to us that Teresa was in 0n the plan to expose Melissa.

Below are excerpts from Angelo’s interview –

AllAboutTRH: Was Melissa Gorga a dancer at Lookers, or a bartender like she claims?

Vrohidis: She was a dancer.

AllAboutTRH: How long did she dance for?

Vrohidis: It was less than a year

AllAboutTRH: So you attended the fashion show?

Vrohidis: Correct

AllAboutTRH: Did Teresa Giudice contact you to attend the fashion show?

Vrohidis: No.

AllAboutTRH: So is it true that you went up to Melissa and as soon as she saw you, she ran to the bathroom?

Vrohidis: No, actually, I was at the bar talking to some friends because a lot of my friends were at this event. I began talking to my friend, Mike, and his wife. We all started walking back over to our table. I happened to see Melissa so I walked up to her and said hello. She looked like she recognized me and seemed very, very embarrassed and shocked. I just said hello and briefly had a conversation with her and then sat down. I stayed for a while and then I left.

AllAboutTRH: Were you there when Melissa’s husband came to the event?

Vrohidis: No, I had left. I received a phone call and had to be somewhere else. I had no idea her husband was coming and had no idea any of that stuff was going to happen. It’s not my place to know that.

AllAboutTRH: I heard you had a microphone on you, is that true?

Vrohidis: Yes I did. I was asked to help promote my friend, John’s, salon and I was at the salon while Teresa was getting her hair done. Everyone in the salon had a mic on them.

AllAboutTRH: I heard Teresa was getting blamed for you being there and you were mic’d because Teresa knew that you used to work with Melissa.

Vrohidis: No. I did not know Teresa at all. Teresa knew nothing about this. When she was at the salon getting her hair done, I introduced myself to her and Kim D was there. I said hello and told her, you know I know your sister in law. She used to work for me. And she was very shocked. I never met the girl before in my life. That was my first time.

AllAboutTRH: What did she respond back to you when you told her Melissa danced at lookers? How did she react?

Vrohidis: I don’t want to say too much but she was very defensive of Melissa and said, “Listen don’t talk about my family like that.” She didn’t like the fact that I mentioned that Melissa and I worked together. I apologized to her repeatedly and told her that I had no idea she didn’t know. You know, I would assume she would know this about her sister-in-law. But you’ll see what happens when it airs.

AllAboutTRH: So she didn’t dance for years?

Vrohidis: No. It wasn’t even for a year. I don’t know what she did before that nor do I know what she did after that… My friends from ‘Lookers’ did contact me but there also have been people that I have spoken to who claim Melissa tried contacting people from ‘Lookers’ to tell them to say she was only a bartender, not a dancer.

Vrohidis: I wasn’t out to hurt anyone. I just met the girl (Teresa) at the salon and said to her, I know your sister in law. I didn’t know anything was going to happen. I wasn’t trying to be malicious or hurt anyone. That’s not my intention and I’m just not that kind of person.

Vrohidis: Dancing is not a bad thing so I don’t know why she is denying it. A lot of girls I know that danced have made such a name for themselves. I know dancers who have become nurses and someone who is a lawyer right now. I’m glad to see Melissa do something good for herself… She’s going to keep denying it because she’s already denied it so many times. But do a lot of people know? Absolutely. Of course they know.

This is all the more interesting as the manager of the club, Larry Guarino, who reportedly worked under GM Angelo, came out last month stating Melissa was only a bartender. Was Larry lying to protect Melissa or simply telling the truth? The mystery continues…

As for Melissa, she remains adamant she was never a stripper. After this interview came out, she tweeted: “Btw, I feel for him, I hear he has a major drug problem… Don’t wish it on anyone..” She later deleted that tweet citing it wasn’t right to out someone’s drug problem. If Melissa was a past stripper, she would be in good company as former RHONJ star Danielle Staub has admitted to her past as a stripper, while Jacqueline Laurita is also rumored to have been a past stripper in Las Vegas.

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